Plastino Scholars
The Plastino Scholars Program was established in 2007 by a gift from UD
alumnus David A. Plastino to help outstanding University of Delaware
undergraduate students realize their dreams by supporting them in
self-designed, off-campus learning experiences that create a difference
in their lives and in the lives of others.​
Dean's Scholar Program
The Dean's Scholar Program exists to serve the needs of extraordinary
students by allowing them to design, in consultation with faculty
advisors, imaginative and rigorous individual plans of study to meet the
total credit hours required for graduation. It is expected that the
course of study outlined by the Dean's Scholar candidate will represent a
program that cannot be effectively achieved using other options already
available within the University.
Medical Scholars Program
The Medical Scholars Program is a unique early admissions dual-track premedical eight-year academic program sponsored by the University of Delaware in
consort with the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson
It is designed for those unique students who are certain that they want
to become physicians and who desire a program of academic
study blending the scientific and cultural aspects of the various
medical professions.
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